Neil jacobs

Neil Jacobs is a dynamic, aggressive and skilled general business lawyer with over 30 years of practical legal experience. Since 2001, his practice has been aimed at providing “outside in-house general counsel” services to small to medium sized companies in a number of different industries. Drawing upon his background as a corporate generalist lawyer, Neil has been able to provide these companies with a hands-on, cost efficient manner of managing their legal needs while maintaining a focus on the personal relationship of candor and trust between lawyer and business person. 

Neil spent almost 20 years with smaller law firms in New York City, founding a firm in 1995 with three other lawyers that grew to 15 lawyers within two years. His principal focus is on small to medium market mergers and acquisitions, start-up creation and financing, intellectual property, securities regulation, non-profit entities and related matters. A significant portion of Neil’s practice has been (and continues to be) devoted to representing the US-based interests of overseas clients. By virtue of the size of companies with which he worked, as well as his background in managing his own firm’s affairs, Neil has always provided services to the highest levels of management and has been able to draw on his extensive and varied business background to his clients’ advantage.

In addition to his practice, Neil has served as Adjunct Professor of International Business at the University of Bridgeport, was Managing Editor of the Legal InfoSociety News Kiosk, a Luxembourg based e-zine on worldwide developments in telecom, intellectual property and Internet law, is a past law columnist with the Hudson Valley Business Journal, has judged a nonprofit business plan competition at the Yale School of Management and a for-profit business plan competition at Singapore Management University (an affiliate of the Wharton School), and sits on several nonprofit boards.

Neil is a 1980 graduate of Binghamton University (summa cum laude) and a 1983 graduate of Brooklyn Law School. He also studied law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for two years and, on a post-graduate basis, studied at the University of England and Wales and received an MBA from the Fundacao Getulio Vargas in Rio de Janeiro.